grammar translation method


We define the term "TEACHING METHOD" as being comprised of:

1)                        An ORIENTATION/APPROACH based on a pedagogical philosophy and/or learning theory about how students learn language best. This  establishes the goals of language instruction.
2)                        Learning objectives, kinds of tasks learners are to perform, and perception of learner/teacher roles; and
3)                        The interaction style of teacher/learner, attitude toward corrections, and the desired classroom atmosphere.

Some methods focus on communication skills and place the greatest emphasis on being able to express oneself; others focus on grammatical accuracy. Some methods suggest that reading and writing should be secondary to spoken language emphasis, others suggest that vocabulary and grammar instruction should be emphasized.

ORIENTATIONS/APPROACHES TO TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: A set of assumptions about language and learning forms the basis for each orientation/approach.

1.         Grammar-Based Orientation/Approach:
-                      Learning a language means learning the grammar and the vocabulary.
-                      Learning a language expands one’s intellect.
-                      Learning a foreign language enables one to translate great works of literature.
-                      Learning the grammar of a foreign language helps one learn the grammar of one’s native language.

In this orientation/approach, the study of a foreign language involves learning the
grammar and the vocabulary of the language.  This study is intended to expand the intellect.  For example, students don’t expect to communicate in Latin or Greek, but studying those languages is thought to be good mental discipline.  The goal is to be able to translate great works from the classical languages into English.


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